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Agalega Island "EMPOWER IAS"

In news:

  • Mauritius has denied a report that it has allowed India to build a military base on the remote island of Agalega.




About Agalega Island

  • Agalega Island is an outlying island of Mauritius located in the Indian Ocean, about 1,000 kilometers (620 mi) north of Mauritius.
  • Mauritius has leased the Indian Army to develop Agalega Island as a strategic outpost.


Strategic Importance of Agalega Island

  • India received the Island of Agalega from Mauritius in 2015 to develop it as an air and naval base to monitor the southwestern Indian Ocean.
  • India is developing its military base here, similar to other countries like UK-US military base Diego Garcia.
  • A military base at Agalega Island will strengthen India's hold in the Indian Ocean region.
  • With the increasing hold of neighboring country China in the Indian Ocean, there are increasing challenges for India, so it can become a major strategic advantage for India.
  • India is pursuing development activities in the island at a very fast pace. In this military base to be built in Mauritius, India can deploy its fleet of naval P-8I aircraft through which Chinese activities can be controlled in the southwestern Indian Ocean.
  • From here India can operate joint patrolling with France (Reunion Island).
  • This military base will also facilitate maritime patrols on the Mozambique Channel to India, which is a popular route for large commercial vessels, especially oil tankers.
  • This military base will enable the Indian Navy to inspect shipping routes around southern Africa, these routes are responsible for a significant portion of China's energy imports.
  • In addition, the island will provide a useful location for communications and electronic intelligence facilities.
  • Agalega military base as a whole will strengthen India's presence in the southwestern Indian Ocean and shape the vision of the Security and Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR).


  • India asserts that these new facilities are part of its Security and Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR) policy, which aims to increase maritime cooperation between countries in the region.
  • Mauritius, for its part, has indicated that its coastguard personnel will use the new facilities.
  • But it is clear that the Indian investment of $250m in developing an airfield, port, and communications hub on this remote island is not aimed at helping Mauritius develop its capacity to police its territorial waters.


Significance of this area

  • The Agalega area is currently a blind spot for the Indian Navy and by building a military facility in it, New Delhi hopes to expand its maritime domain awareness.
  • In times of conflict, knowing the location of enemy ships and submarines, without being detected in the process, creates a significant advantage.
  • China’s naval forays into this region are the true motivator for its expanding naval presence.
  • In peacetime, effective maritime domain awareness helps establish international partnerships with like-minded militaries and also acts as a deterrent to both state and non-state adversaries, by signaling reach.