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3D Printing Technology


In news:

  • 3D-printing food is becoming a reality now


Important facts:


  • Researchers from the Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology (IIFPT), Thanjavur, have printed a nutritious snack using millets, green gram, and fried gram and ajwain seeds.
  • The printer was indigenously developed and completely fabricated in India.
  • The team also found that the snack had high protein and fibre content.
  • This work was published in the Journal of Food Engineering.
  • According to a scientist working in 3D-printing, food printing is in early stages in India, because to print food the dynamics and mechanics need to be fully understood.


Significance of this technology:

  •  This technology may help in customising food according to the individuals’ nutritional requirements.
  • This brings down the cost to less than Rs.75,000, while most printers in the market are expensive and cannot be conveniently used for multi-material food printing applications.


Additional Information:


What is 3D Printing?

  • 3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file. 
  • 3D printing encompasses a wide range of additive manufacturing technologies.
  • Three-dimensional printing (3-D printing), also known as Additive manufacturing (AM) is a process of joining materials to make objects from 3D model data, usually layer upon layer.
  • The first working 3-D printer was created in 1984 by Charles W. Hull of 3-D Systems Corp. The machine was named Sterolithgraphy Apparatus.


Evolution of 3D Printing





  • Environmental Applications: It helps in innovation of eco friendly techniques like handheld sponge which has ability to absorb pollutants.
  • Industrial applications: It helps in reducing the Cost for Developing the Prototype of new parts and devices, creation of automotive parts etc.
  • Education: Science students can study cross-sections of internal organs of the human body,explore 3D models of molecules etc.
  • Space: offers the ability to print parts or tools on-site, as opposed to using rockets to bring along pre-manufactured items for space missions.
  • Defence and Aerospace: At present, AM technology in the aerospace and defence sector is broadly used for prototyping, repair of small parts and component manufacturing. 
  • Medical fields: Environmental Applications: It helps in innovation of eco friendly techniques like handheld sponge which has ability to absorb pollutants.
  • Health: Hearing aids have been made using 3D printing technology.
  • Manufacturing: 3D printing can be used to manufacture varied forms of products- from car or plane parts to sport goods, toys etc.
  • Domestic Usage: 3D printers can be used in the home to make small objects such as ornamental objects, small toy
  • Food: 3D printing enables fast automated and repeatable processes, freedom in design, as well as allowing large and easy variability of the cooking process which can be customized.


Benefits of using 3Dprinting:

  • Less expensive: 3D printing is cheaper than traditional method of manufacturing. Cost of producing or manufacturing products using 3d printing technology is equal for small-scale and mass manufacturing.
  • Less time consuming: Printing of the 3D object can be done directly, differing from the traditional manufacturing where different components had to be joined to form the final product.
  • More efficient: Generating prototypes with 3D printers are much easier and faster with 3D printing technology.
  • Higher productivity: It enables quick production with a high number of prototypes or a small-scale version of the real object
  • Flexibility: Different materials can be used in the 3D models. 
  • Customization:  Every item can be customized to meet a user's specific needs without impacting the manufacturing costs.
  • Reduced wastage: AM process produces less waste in comparison with other traditional manufacturing techniques.



  • Limited size: The size of objects created with 3d printers is currently limited.
  • Limited Raw Materials: With 3D printing being an additive method (layer after layer), the materials available suited for it are limited- ceramics, resin, plastics, etc.
  • Effect on employment: Jobs in manufacturing will be rendered obsolete which will have a negative impact on developing economies.
  • Copyright infringements: There is concern over counterfeit printing of copyrighted or patented products. Anyone who gets a hold of a blueprint will be able to counterfeit products easily.
  • Dangerous items: There are concerns over deterring or controlling people from 3D printing potentially dangerous item
  • Cyber security: Studies have shown that the 3-D printer connected to online network is vulnerable to cyberattacks.
  • Ethical concerns : associated with use of 3D technology in healthcares


